Ballynalackan and Dingle. Oct. 2007.

23 October 2007.

ballinalackenWe have reached the connecting line to Aran! It’s Ballynalacken castle. We are staying overnight here as there is a house attached to the property.

Yesterday it poured all day but we needed to do something, so we drove to Doolin. I’d had a dream about a Galleon and Chris told me that one had sank off the coast of Doolin, so we went there, but nothing happened! We drove then to Poulnabrone one of the most famous dolmens on the Burren. We had the place to ourselves. I could feel an energy but nothing seemed to be happening. I walked around it anti-clockwise and still nothing. Then I saw a path and followed that for a bit, but it led nowhere, so I began to walk out.

Suddenly I spotted a stoat which ran across the limestone, trying desperately to find a place to hide. They are much smaller that I thought! There was one upright stone about 15 feet away from the dolmen and beside was standing a Neolithic man! He beckoned to me and kept pointing to the inside of the dolmen. There was a rope barrier all around it and we weren’t supposed to go near the dolmen, but he kept pointing inside it. It was also raining very heavily by then and he suggested we use it as shelter. Needless to say, my fear of authority kicked in and I didn’t want to pass the barrier.

However, then my guides told me that there was a key here, so I knew I had to retrieve that! I lifted up the rope barrier and Chris and I took shelter beneath the huge rock. I poured a couple of drops of Knock water on the ground and waited. Then an ancient priest appeared dressed in a long white robe. He put something around my neck and then handed me a huge golden key, the same size as the one given to me by the goddess energies at home. Once I had received that I was told I was finished. 1929921_10683279283_1146_n

We were absolutely drenched by the time we got back to the car.

We found the Ballynalackan castle and the energy line very definitely ran beneath it. I was told we needed to stay the night beside it so we booked in.

So here we are. It’s a nice hotel with beautiful views of the Aran Islands, so that turned out well. We also found a launderette in Doolin so we can get our clothes washed tomorrow before we go to Dingle.

Back to the castle: we had a cuppa and went for a walk to the castle but it was locked. The owner would have to bring us around. We waited a while, drove down to Doolin, came back and the owner met us and took us up. It was brilliant, still in a very good state of repair. A couple of floors were still there and a couple of big old fireplaces. Even the turret walks were there. It was excellent. It was also on one of these floors that I did the work. I stood and waited to see what I needed to do and then I saw the white line flowing beneath it. My cord went down and connected to it and then I became aware of the gold energy in my field, the energy I had picked up in the Aillwe caves yesterday.

I saw my field as a strong gold sphere of energy which I expanded out until it covered the entire castle. Then I began to place it as a separate sphere around the castle, like a Venus attunement I would do for the Gaia Method! I had to wait until it had stabilised before I could move on. Then we explored the rest of the castle and came back down. Excellent. But I’m not sure I’m entirely finished with it yet. Maybe that’s why we have to stay the night. Tomorrow we are also going down Doolin cave, which holds the biggest stalactite in

25th October 2007.

bunratty-castle-john-d-bensonWell, we ended up not going to the cave! I was just too tired and needed a break. We went and did our laundry, spent some time on the internet and had lunch and then, instead of driving to Dingle we drove to Bunratty! ‘Bunratty’ kept coming up and a table from the Spanish galleon sunk on the Clare shores was still kept in Bunratty castle. That was the clue! Then a ‘seipeal’ kept being mentioned and I was told to light a candle there. I was told ‘it would stick out’.

We got to Bunratty and found a hotel. It wasn’t brilliant but it was OK. It did have free internet access so that was a plus. We took it easy that evening and watched TV.

This morning we visited the castle and folk park. How brilliant that is! AND there was a chapel there, in the castle beside the earl’s hall. It was his private chapel and the table from the ship was in his hall! That was the chapel we needed to visit. However, it wasn’t a physical candle we had to light, but a spiritual one. I could initially feel very little, probably because of expectations around what I thought I should be feeling. But when I relaxed it was very simple. The Magdalene flame needed to be installed there so I did that and balanced out the frequency. And that was that! Nothing else.

We spend the rest of the day in the Folk Park, and met a very nice older couple with a very interesting story! That’s one of the joys of travel, you meet some incredible people!

Inis Meain, Aran Islands. Part 2.

  1929921_10683359283_4327_n  When we had gotten back to Inis Meain, we had a look at another chapel over to the left of the pier. This was visually interesting, as the ground around it was covered in grave slabs! The whole of the ground was covered with them, and they were all in English. Inside the tiny chapel I poured some Knock water on the altar space and tuned into it. It felt sad and angry, and the feelings I was getting were of someone so let down and angry, that the place had not been successful and had not been maintained. It felt empty and purposeless. It felt as though it had not succeeded because a stronger power, more negative and not spiritual at all, had somehow put a stop to it. Not intentionally, but because that power didn’t even consider it, or its spiritual importance. It meant nothing, it was not important. There was disappointment, and a sense that there was nothing anyone could do, except let it go to wrack and ruin. A real shame. It had been a waste of time and unfruitful. Apart from that, there was a sense that the anger was about the place being good only for the dead, when it was supposed to bring life and abundance.

I closed my eyes and tuned in to see what would happen. Initially I saw a cow with a very full udder, so full in fact that the milk was pouring out and onto the ground. This cow was inside the chapel and if felt like there was some reference here to the goddess Brigit in her guise as a cow filling the earth with her abundance. Then the image stopped and I was aware of being in the chapel when it had a roof. It was dark inside but had candles burning so it felt warm and cosy. A fair-haired woman, whose hair had an orange tinge to it, like Danish blonde hair, was sitting in the right-hand corner playing a harp. There were two other younger women in cloaks sitting to my left, near the door, and they were listening, rapt, to the beautiful music. So it had been beautiful once, and very isolated, but it had not worked out. It didn’t quite feel connected to the other ones as though the woman had started it, but was solitary.

clip_image003Reading up about her later in the Aran book there are two theories about how the chapel was started: Kilcanonagh church may have derived its name from Cill Cheann Fhionnaigh, the church of the fair-headed one, an early saint said to have been killed by a tyrant at Cleggan in North Connemara. Or that the founder was the mother of the seven saints or seven king’s sons buried at Templesaghtmacree. The name could also mean Church of the canons! However, having picked up the energy of the place I know which one it is really is. The fair haired woman playing the harp was the founder and its failure was due to her death at the hands of a tyrant with more power than she. No wonder the anger is still there and the church  never continued. Her followers must have been distraught and very angry! Such a shame, as she had a nice way about her. But I’m not sure if it was ever going to work. I’m not sure why I feel that but there was something missing. It is as though she got it wrong. She thought it was the right thing, so she had the right intention, but it was not the right place. It was too far away from the main energy line. It’s a strange thing……

Today we went down to the Leaba of Diarmiud and Grainne to complete the triangle of flames.  We walked down to the megalithic tomb and when we finally got there, having been distracted by a colt on the way and a short chat with a guy riding a donkey, with the dog nipping his heels, I walked anti-clockwise around it but was feeling very little. Chris was opposite me and he began to complain of feeling sick and dizzy where he was standing. He moved to where I was standing and I walked to his side. Immediately a golden serpent came up into my feet and up to my knees, just like it had done on Lawler’s Strand in Dunmore East. I stood for a while and I was told that the reason Chris had had such a negative reaction was because he wasn’t clear enough. Fair enough! I then felt ready to sit on the top of the capstone. I tuned in and saw the connection between all three sites. Then the magi appeared and placed his little gold casket on the ground in front of me, just a he had done at Templesaghtmacree. He lit the flame which turned out to be green! I thought I was seeing it wrong but green it stayed. I remember seeing a green flame before but I can’t think where….. possible one of the little churches we did in England with the group.

When it was big enough it waclip_image006s adjusted to be the right frequency. I find it interesting that the two sites on this island were both graves and they both needed the gold casket to start them from scratch. But St Gobnait’s church was strong enough already and only needing adjusting! Plus it was in a church, not at a grave. The two churches are early Christian, yet the tomb is Bronze Age!? Don’t know why that is….

I sat and waited to see what was going to happen now that all three were connected, not really expecting anything, when suddenly a huge flame, burst up into the sky, made up of the frequencies of all three flames and yet all three remained’ individual’. It was incredible. I realised that I had not actually completed a triangle before. I’ve done parts of them and they need to be completed, so now I was seeing what happened when they were all joined as one. I then also realised what my guides had been telling me for the last year about ‘relighting the seven sacred fires of Ireland’. It hadn’t made sense before but now I understood. The seven flames were made up of three other connecting flames. I can now finish the ones in Co Kilkenny that I did last year. Then there are five more to do. There is one that stretches across England which will also have to be finished. If you were to see them from an oblique angle all you would see would be huge flames coming from the earth and reaching the heavens, all over the world.

Having received all this, perhaps these were my apple gifts from Dun Fearbhaigh, I began to wonder how these flames, when lit, affected the consciousness of humanity? Were people attracted to the flame energies? Is that why things grew spiritually in these areas?

Philomena's Cottage.

Philomena’s Cottage.

Another realisation was how they maintained their energies over hundreds of years? The first thing we had done was to power up the main battery, Dun Conor. If it was operating on all cylinders then maybe that fed the flames so that the grid was constantly able to maintain itself. This is obviously why it had been such a huge thing for me to close the ‘gates’ at Corfe all those years ago. The effect is that the consciousness of humanity becomes less and less focussed on their soul. There are so many people now activating the gates that things are changing rapidly.

Is this also what happened in Amarna when Tutankhamen had to shut those gates? I guess so…..

I wonder too if the flames are always in the same place or did we plant the two in new places this week? How does that work?

I also noticed that the large flame is always just off to one side of the main white line, just like the serpent pictures from south America. Two of the flames are connected to the line, feed off it or something, and one is away from it.

This also explains the triangle message of the other night with Isis, Astarte and Diana. Trips to Israel and Greece are on the cards also I guess! That’s a huge triangle!

On a tandem, while reading about the history of the Aran islands the O’Flaherty’s, as in Philomena, and the O’Brien’s of the Castle, and the Aran Ferries company, were once chiefs in competition with each other. It is interesting that both those families are prominent business people on the three islands. I’ve noticed that Philomena and her family still think in terms of expansion, as do the O’Briens. It’s interesting that hundreds of years of genetic evolution haven’t changed the basic desire of such families to expand their holdings and power! Those families have been around here for hundreds of years…it makes me wonder what I have received from our kingly ancestors?!

A lovely website about Aran with some old videos of the Islands.

Longing for Simplicity. The West of Ireland.

“…I once found a list of diseases as yet unclassified by medical science, and among these there occurred the word Islomania, which was described as a rare but by no means unknown affliction of spirit. There are people…who find islands somehow irresistible. The mere knowledge that they are on an island, a little world surrounded by the sea, fills them with an indescribable intoxication.”
― Lawrence DurrellReflections on a Marine Venus

There are times when I feel such a longing for the West of Ireland that it is like a hunger. I was brought up in Graiguenamanagh, Co Kilkenny and only visited the West a number of times over the past few years. But I feel a connection to the Aran islands which feels nearly physical.  I love its energy. Maybe because it is steeped in spiritual history and still feels so Irish! Maybe it is because it is the energy gateway to the rest of Europe through the Atlantic sea. Maybe too it is because the islands are surrounded by the sea and solitude is still possible here.

Old shed on Inis Meain.

The elemental nature of the place brings a sense of connectedness. I always feel like I am part of the landscape here. I can feel the hundreds of years of toil and tragedy as I wander the small roads that wind through stone walled fields, reclaimed from the barren landscape. A hard life to be sure but ultimately healing in these times.

The Aran landscape.

I have a desire recently to devour everything I can read about how people lived there, how they survived, how they spoke, what they believed. I’m really not sure why I feel like this as I live in Luxor and it couldn’t be more different. But is it? Perhaps the layers of energy are similar? The struggle to survive in a barren landscape may not be all that different. The sense of ancient history, carved from the stones and it’s connection to the power of the water. Both cultures have had to master their surroundings , to bring fertility from stone and water.

St. Benan’s Chapel, Inis Mor.

But there is one huge difference between the two places, apart from the obvious, and that is the atmosphere. In Luxor the air feels ‘full’. Full of people’s energy and thought-forms. Their emotions and religion, heard all day, every day. As a healer of emotions it is a challenging place to live. There are so many dysfunctional layers of human consciousness here. But even though the Aran Islands have an equally long history their air is free of all that. Nature is still abundant here. The energy of the sea, the rocks and nature’s struggle for survival give it a special feeling.

Life Between the Rocks.

Maybe that is why the earliest Christians chose these Islands to settle or maybe its because of its refined energy. The Aran Islands are the main gateway into Ireland of a large meridian which runs right across Ireland to the East coast, and moving through Glendalough and out into the Irish Sea. If healers feel that now then the early spiritual people who settled the Islands must have felt it too. These places always seem to end up as spiritually natural places, where the Goddess of the Land is venerated and the fertility of the Sun/Son is recognised.

View from Dun Fearbhaigh.

Perhaps it is as Seth, channelled through Jane Roberts in the 70’s and 80’s, suggests. That there is one of four main energy points in the Middle East which is why the three main religions of this part of the world were born there. They are places of great change which is why they are always in a state of conflict and growth. Perhaps because Aran is so far away from all that turmoil that it becomes a place of peace. But by the same token, the Aran Islands are the entrance of the main meridian which travels through Europe from the Atlantic Sea.  This means that the sacred places established by holy people on the Aran Islands become the seed thoughts and ideas of those who established these communities and which then influence human thinking in the countries the meridian runs through.

St. Brigit’s Chapel.

With the establishment of these new Christian ideas, ideas untainted by Rome and still very nature-based, we see  how Ireland later became the guardian of Sacred literature and  the Land of learning .  Holy Isles indeed.

Buried beneath the Sands.

What I also loved about the Early Christian settlements here are the fact that there were also settlements founded by female saints.  There are tiny chapels dedicated to these saints who were equal to the men who founded theirs. And their nature-based beliefs fit so beautifully into the nature-based beliefs of the people who already inhabited the islands. There was no conflict between the old and the new. Everything was accepted because everything was spoken of in the same language, both symbolic and actual, and with the same veneration. It is sad, that in later years, the women of Christianity became of lesser value in the eyes of the Roman Church!

Can you believe that this is Ireland? Ah the solitude…

Or maybe, my longing is as prosaic as the need for time. Time to write without interruption and without my lovely Egyptian husband’s constant need for attention! God love him. The Aran Islands are the place for solitude, reflection and connection. Many writers have found a haven there. The week I spent there in 2008 I wrote continuously. It was heavenly! If only I could find that heaven here!

Inis Oirr, The Aran Islands. 2007.

18 October 2007.

Aran_Islands-3Yesterday we went over to Inis Oirr as my guides instructed. We caught the boat over from Inis Meain at 11.30.

As soon as we arrived on the other island we were accosted by a horse and trap team who offered to take us on a ride around the island. It was just like being back in Egypt! I couldn’t believe it. No matter what I said he had an answer. I told him I wanted to go St. Gobnait’s chapel.

“Ah sure, I can take ya there.”

“Well our first stop is a cup of tea”.

“Well sure, I’ll wait outside the pub for ya and then I can take ya to St Enda’s Well.”

After a few minutes of futile ‘trying to get out of it’ we gave in. We went to the pub and had a cup of tea and sure enough he was outside when we were finished. As it happens he was a very informative man and gave us quite a bit of history as we were driving about. He showed us how they had broken up the limestone fields and carted sand and seaweed and soil from between the rocks to make a usable soil. One man, the original owner of Tigh Ned, (Ned’s House) apparently turned a number of fields from limestone to arable. He left a couple, so that people could see how it used to look. It was certainly impressive. The remains of the field where they dug out the limestone blocks for the animal sheds is also still there so you can see how much hard work it is. Apparently, because of this years bad rain, they had the best crop of potatoes they have had for a long time! So it was bad for the tourist trade but good for the crops!

He took us then to St. Enda’s Well and said that there was an eel in the well, but only really holy people ever saw it. So if we were holy we’d see it, if not well we still had some work to do!



We got out of the trap and went and had a look at the well. It was very shallow, the water sitting a couple of inches on top of a flat limestone bed. We couldn’t see where the water was coming from. I could feel some energy but couldn’t identify it. I stood and waited to see if anything would happen and then my umbilicus came out and moved into the well, the old fireman’s hose again! In the well it just sucked up some of the water, filling my centre with it, and then came back again and curled up where it normally does, behind my navel. I still am not sure why it does this but I’m always aware of having a little, or large, pool of water in my centre afterwards!

After the Well, he took us to the local willow factory so we could buy a St. Brigit’s Cross. He said the only way we would know it was open would be if the man’s motorbike was still outside the gate! Thankfully, it was, so in we went. Inside there were two men sitting down and listening to the radio. There was a ‘hundred year old loom’ set up for weaving the crois’s, (traditional woven fisherman’s belts.). I hadn’t had one since I was a teenager so I got one. We also bought two Brigit’s Crosses! However, and here we meet Egypt again. The big man who claimed to own the factory, and who also had a number of other businesses on the island, was just like the Egyptian men who treat tourists like complete idiots. They have this way of belittling you for buying their stuff as though they feel uncomfortable about their position there. Tourists coming and looking at their wares, the traditional stuff of Aran. Because they feel primitive and stupid, which they aren’t, they over-compensate for this by acting in a superior manner and treating tourists like idiots!

To top it all off the buggers charged us €40 for two Brigit crosses which took them 10 minutes to make and one crois! They charged us this in the same way that the Egyptians did. “How much can I get out of this idiot?” You can feel his resentment and his justifying of it by charging us over the odds. So we end feeling resentful instead of him! What really got me was the fact that I am Irish, but I’ve been living in the UK for so long my accent is less Irish!

(Later on, before we left to go back to Inis Meain, I bought a book called A Window on Aran, a very good book incidentally! I read it when we got home and found a very good description by George Petrie (d. 1866) of the people of Inis Oirr:

1929921_10683424283_7547_n‘ The proximity of the island of Inisheer to the Clare coast, rendering an intercourse with the parent country easy, has long given to the inhabitants of that island a somewhat distinctive character, not more remarkable in the Munster dialect of the Irish which they speak, than in the superior shrewdness, marked with occasional want of principle, which causes them to be dreaded in their dealings, and in some degree disliked by the other islanders. Of the existence of this peculiar sharpness as well as the desire for gain, not at all observable in the other islanders, I had sufficient opportunity of judging.’(Spellissey. 2003)

I had to laugh! That’s exactly how I felt… )

After the factory we were taken to St Gobnait’s chapel and what a beautiful place. It looks much like all the rest, small stone-built chapel with a clochan at the back.clip_image003

But the feelings there were wonderful. I tuned in to them, there in the chapel and immediately saw a nun placing a grey and blue, long-sleeved habit on me, like I was becoming a nun. I felt such joy. This woman was connected to a convent and was overjoyed to be here on this island. She had only a small field and built a small chapel but she felt extremely privileged to be there. There was such gratitude in her, and so much joy, when other women came to join her. She is probably the most loving and soul-filled saint that I have ever experienced. She welcomed those women who came to her settlement and loved the fact that they ‘got it’ too and were dedicating themselves to her vision and raison d’etre. I didn’t want to leave. Its not often that I feel such dedication and gratitude in a such a natural way. The life was hard but she barely noticed. She was just so grateful to be there, tending her Brigit Flame.

I have to say that the feelings stayed with me for hours afterwards and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I was struck by how much joy she felt when someone chose to join her. She didn’t think ‘oh no I’m not getting through to enough people’ or ‘I should be doing more’. She was just so happy to be doing what she was doing. It was enough! Yesterday, at Dun Fearbhaigh, a wren appeared and I realised that there was a message there. ‘Small is beautiful’ is the message. Purpose can be in the small things of life, not in grandiose schemes and plans. Well this woman certainly did that.

While reading the Aran book later on I found some info on her and the site: This church is dedicated to a sixth-century abbess of a convent in Ballyvourney, Co cork. She is said to have been the only woman allowed on these islands at that time, and her feast day falls on Feb 11th. She was famous for her skills as a bee-keeper.

All very goddessy! This explains her sense of gratitude and privilege.

I went into the chapel to do the work the Magi had shown me. I had brought the Knock water with me on impulse and now I was instructed to pour some on the altar to activate the ‘rose’ energy. When I had done so, I turned around and closed my eyes. I waited to see what would happen next, and I saw the gold flame, really strong and bright. ‘That was easy’ I thought, surprised! Then I saw the Magi adjusting the flame until it was just right. I then was told to stand in it. When I did I felt like Mishak in the flames, and similar to the experience in Strata Florida. I felt energised

After this lovely stop-over we drove to St Kavin’s chapel at the graveyard. This is a lot like St. Enda’s on InisMor but I felt nothing there. On reflection this could be because all the energies so far had been very feminine. All goddess in fact!

The trap driver only charged us €20 euros for the whole ride which we thought was very reasonable. He was a very nice chap. Apparently, up until four years ago, he used to be a lobster fisherman but had to have his hip replaced. So now he drives his traditional horse and trap. The other drivers have modernised their traps to fit more people but his is only big enough for 2-3, but it’s a lovely ride.

The Dingle Goddess. 2008

Part of a Trip to the West of Ireland:
Our next meeting with the Goddess on this trip came when we got to Dingle. I didn’t know where we were supposed to go so I waited for inspiration. On the second day there, while looking on the map, I found a place called ‘Cloghan’ just north of Dingle and knew that we had to go there as I had kept saying, the previous few days, that we had to go to ‘Clochan’ when I meant to say some other place beginning with ‘C’! Cloghan is the anglicized version of Clochan!
So, when we had finished breakfast the first morning on Dingle we drove over the Conor Pass to Cloghan. We thought we had to do some work in the church there but when we got there, through the thick rain clouds on the mountain pass, it was shut! I didn’t know why we had been told to go there! Then I spotted a map on a wall across the road so we had a look. My guides said ‘go back up the road’. Where??? On the map, just back up the road, was another small road leading up to a lake. It reminded me of Cader Idris, where I had had an initiation into the temple of Artemis last year, so back we went! The road was a bohreen really and led through some beautiful countryside. We drove on until we came to its end which continued on as a walking route up to Brandon hill. The clouds were sinking further and further down into the valley and the wind was wild. It was raining a little but it wouldn’t be long before it was a downpour. I hoped we could do the work before it poured! No such luck!!
The only way into the field by the bottom lake was quite some distance back down the road so by the time we made it there we were absolutely drenched and trying hard to stay on our feet. The wind was so strong…….
We walked down through the bog and as close to the water as we could without sinking! The wind was powerful and it felt furious. It whipped up little tornadoes of water on the lake which looked and felt amazing! One of them even looked like a phantom Celtic boat sailing across the water.
Energetically it felt like a furious goddess, angry and punishing. The lake water, her home, was a well of rage. ‘The mad woman’ my guides said she had come to be called, and she felt mad. I saw myself hold up the golden ankh, with both hands, like Christians do with their cross. Trying to stay on my feet while the rain saturated everything I had on was no easy thing. This goddess energy was uncontrollable.
It took time to do this, trying to withstand her rage and do the work in her quieter moments. As I continued to hold up the ankh I suddenly saw myself plunging it into the bottom of the lake. It opened up a vortex there which allowed the golden energy to flow upwards in a rush. The weather didn’t change in its intensity! Then I felt like St Patrick and I was holding his crosier. This was different! I did connect with him in Glendalough where he gave me his book but I’ve never really been very enamoured of him as I’d always believed that it was because of him that the old religion had died. But here I was doing his thing! He was energetically calming this angry goddess, calming the waters. It felt really familiar somehow. Were there stories of him doing that? But this goddess was too full of rage to be calmed. His intention though over-rode her anger. I saw the four corners of the platinum net, which I use to gather up old, negative energy, being gathered up and brought up through the lake taking this raging goddess with it. I was surprised! I thought she could be healed or something but no, she needed to be healed elsewhere. Her rage was no longer able to be contained here. I wondered what she really represented. She felt like she was the anger of all women who have had their power stripped away from them and all they are left with is their madness as no-one listens to them anymore. A disempowered and angry woman who rants and raves but is considered mad. A very useful energy to release.
When she had been taken away I waited for the next bit. Then my energy umbilical cord unwound from where it usually lies, coiled up in the centre of my body, and went into the vortex which was now open. This cord lies like a serpent, waiting to be used. All earth energy workers have one its just not always activated and ready to use!
One of the diamonds I have been carrying, in my centre, picked up through my cord from the bottom of a lake in Hampshire last year, went down through it along with water. This has been happening more regularly lately. My cord can act as a water hose type thing, picking up or depositing water through it!! I wonder if it was St Patrick or St Enda as I had received some water from St Enda’s well on Aran the previous week?
With the diamond now anchored in the vortex the golden solar energy which now poured out through it also passed through the diamond bringing that frequency with it. Diamond and solar energy, together.
And that was that! It had now stopped raining but was still windy, just not as much, so our trousers got a bit of a dry before we got back into the car. A strange morning’s work. I wondered what it all meant!
The following day we drove back to Dunmore East, in County Waterford. It was a beautiful day, completely different to the previous one but I did expect that as I had watched the weather forecast!!
I had a very interesting experience though as we drove through the Dingle peninsula. The sun was shining and I began to feel completely open to its energy. I felt like the energy of the Earth, sensually open to the rays of the sun. I felt like a woman waking up on a bed of satin sheets, wearing satin pyjamas. The space around me felt luxurious and if I could see the woman she would have been stretching and luxuriating in the feel and cleanness of the room and bed, as though she was coming alive to the beautiful sunshine day. It was a wonderful feeling and I felt so open to it. I couldn’t have opened myself up any more as my whole body was absorbing this wonderful energy. It felt like I had a zip along the length of my body which I could just open up so all the inside of my body could receive this light. After a few minutes this feeling moved to the rain and I felt like the earth, accepting and loving the rain as it was absorbed into my body, feeding me as the sun had done.
Then after a few miles, the feelings faded and I wondered at the fabulous joy of how it is to accept these elements into oneself. Further down the road I began to feel an overwhelming sadness. I couldn’t figure it out. I saw an old derelict building and the feeling got worse. I began to be aware that this feeling was not mine but the newly awakened Earth Goddess. Having woken she now sees how things have changed. She is not honoured as she once was. The people who were around in her time worked in harmony with her, worked with her rather than exploited her as they do now. Like the Achuar Indians, they recognised how to live on the earth and how she gave them everything they needed to live. There was no greed and addiction, everything was shared. ‘Her’ people were now dead and gone.
This feeling persisted until, again, it faded and then I saw her, like a huge giantess moving across the land. Time for some changes, things had been neglected. I saw her huge hands resculpting the mountains, like a giant sculptress. She smoothed out other parts of the landscape, like a potter working with clay. Every now and then she stood back and surveyed her work. If she was happy she left it at that, if she wasn’t she worked a little more until she was. A huge hand patted the side of a small hill which sent a shudder through the land, like an earthquake. Then she began to plant new forests. She spent ages making sure that they were in exactly the right place for the landscape. It was amazing to watch, but also a little scary. She was so huge that I couldn’t actually see her in her entirety, just the parts that were doing the work or her face smiling as she worked.
It was interesting also as when she woke up she was young but as she went through these ‘phases’ she seemed to be getting older. By the time she was doing her resculpting she was well into middle age. When she was finished doing her ‘earth work’ she began to look for a place to sleep. She found Newgrange which had been specially prepared for her and she went in and curled up like a baby and fell asleep. I thought it was strange that she would sleep in Newgrange but then realised that the sun would wake her up again at Mid-Winter and she would start her yearly cycle, just like she had always done. She was back!
It was an amazing journey with her. I felt like I was her, woman of the earth. It made me aware that the more I work with the Earth in the Gaia Method, an earth-healing modality, the more I become part of the Goddess awareness. That leaves me a lot to think about. I am aware that I have been doing my bit to awaken the goddess here in Ireland so that we could go back to honouring her and living as part of her like we used to do. It feels like a children’s story. As did the Goddess energy in her orchard Dun on Aran. Perhaps stories can be written for children about it? How amazing would that be?

Ireland and Beyond.2008

Well, after a very traumatic week I find myself back living in Winchester, England. I moved from Dunmore east in Co Waterford, Ireland to a renovated Church of Ireland church in Co. Kilkenny. My brother and his wife had lived there for five years previous to our moving in and they loved it. I didn’t however! From the moment I moved there I hated it but I knew it was where I was supposed to be, the next step if you will! We had gone to Egypt for a few weeks in February and I had come home early in order to take care of my brother’s dogs while his wife went for surgery in London. While we were there I desperately missed Egypt. I had had a heart opening experience there which connected me to the place and I just wanted to go back. So I used the Gaiamethod manifesting technique and asked to sell our apartment in Luxor so we could buy a villa instead. When I asked my soul what step to take next I saw myself receiving the keys to the church!

So we moved in. It has been beautifully rebuilt but I just couldn’t get on there. I felt incredibly emotional all the time, couldn’t write or do anything and received very little channeling. I bought a horse and a dog from my brother so I could begin my training in Equine facilitated learning and have the little dog I fell in love with the year before. I couldn’t understand though why nothing else was happening. I was aware that a number of the most recent past lives I have experienced were very ‘present’ in this place. The past five hundred years were coming up again! Those lives were about power, abandonment and betrayal, abuse and cultural change. And it all happened again! My daughter and I were suddenly left in the lurch without any money or transport and in two weeks we would be homeless. My family, and the people I trusted to support me deserted me and we both spent the week very scared and not knowing what on earth was happening. Much of it was because we were on the receiving end of other people’s projections. It was very confusing and painful. My family, as it turned out, still held some very old ideas about who I was in the past and couldn’t see who I was today, mainly because they are still there! This was very confusing. As difficult and painful as it was I still had to wait for my guidance and make sure that everything that needed to be done was done. My friend and colleague behaved in a way I never thought possible and this too was something which he had done in two previous lifetimes. It all felt like we were repeating the old patterns. I was devastated. We lost our horse and our beautiful dog and had no option but to return to England. I had been planning to come back for the entire month of May as my daughter is due to have her first baby but I never expected to have to move there for months and leave everything behind me in Ireland.
My friend, having realised that he had just repeated the same betrayal again, decided to help me to get to England so he would not be repeating his past mistakes. So the three of us left and are now trying to organise what to do with our stuff so we can sell it and go to Egypt in February.

I learned some very valuable lessons during that time. I learned that even family can betray you and not care what happens to you if they have not healed their own issues. I learned never to trust anyone again when it came to money and business. Clear boundaries and contracts/receipts are vital if you want to be safe and protected. Even family can lie and cheat you and receipts are vital here too. I bought the horse but my brother never gave me the papers for her. Same with the dog. He still owes us the money for both but I don’t believe we will ever see it again! You just cannot afford to be naive with anyone when it come to money, so this has taught me some very painful but valuable lessons.

I’m still left with the feeling of sadness because I have to leave family relationships behind. They are not able to see me for who I am but still hold the view of me from when I was a damaged teenager. I’m now 45 years old so it doesn’t really fit me anymore and is very destructive to be around. The people who showed me any kind of support were my step-mother, my brother-in-law and my good friend Cheryl. People I thought were friends turned out to be fair-weather friends whom I have helped over the years but I will no longer help.
These events have both hurt but also healed and although I am grateful for the opportunity to clear such longstanding issues I am not quite out of the woods yet!
For now I am just waiting for the birth of my grandchild, who, she told me, is a crystal baby! I never really believed all that about Indigos and crystals thinking it was some new age nonsense but while doing some healing with my daughter and her unborn baby she told me herself! She also told me what she would be like and when I looked up crystal children on the internet it all matched! I take it all back…. At least now that I am here I can actually have a relationship with her so that will be worth it.
So I wait for her birth and heal my heart, planning my future in Egypt. I’m looking forward to being there and setting up my Gaiamethod teaching practice. I want to run trips where I can do light activations and teach Reiki the Goddess way. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune! And while I’m here in England, living in my beautiful caravan, which incidentally I also nearly lost, and am surrounded my nature, chickens ducks and geese and two horses who live in the field beside me. I will continue to write and hopefully get them published. There is always something good in every bad experience and I will always use what I have learned from it.

Waterford and Glendalough. 2008.

A small group of us went to Templetown, in co. Waterford, and did some work on the Church of the Hospitallers. We had done some work previously at this site and this time we had to do the upper level. Last time Chris (Bishop) and I did the lower level and worked with the magenta chalice there. The vortex then was a magenta colour, which was about Mary Magdalene and we had never done that before. This time we worked upstairs. All four of us did it, including Hana (my, then, 19yr old daughter). Her first on-site energy working! She did brilliantly!
I could feel the energy from about a mile away as we drove there which meant the site was ready for the next phase. We all tuned in. I was aware of a flame made up of different coloured energies. It wasn’t very strong but it was there. I waited for the feeling in my belly, which eventually came. A gold cord was pulled out and down through the flames. It continued down through the floor and connected with the magenta chalice beneath us. It then continued out behind us, beneath the ground, until it reached the sea. There a priestess stood, in front of her was a flame in a large bowl, above the ground. She tended it and called in the sea energies. As she called them a dolphin appeared. They seemed to be feeding the sea energies into the flame which then travelled back up the gold cord and up into our coloured flame. As it did the flames became much bigger. Then 2 hands in a prayer position appeared in them and began to sculpt and mould the flames. It reminded me of the goddess’s hands sculpting the landscape in Dingle. The hands sculpted the flames until they changed to a white flame and looked like a cone of white ice. It looked very beautiful. Beside it appeared a knight in black armour. His suit had a red emblem on the chest. He held out a small pearl between his fingers and then I saw him dip his finger into a small glass inkwell.
Hana: She saw a pink lotus open up on the floor. Gold energy began to pour out of it and fill the sky. The sky then turned black and stormy and Neptune’s trident descended, upside down and above the lotus. There it hovered and began to spin like a golden wheel.
She also saw
the Celtic cross a couple of times which turned out to be very significant later.The day before we had gone down to Lawlor’s Strand in Dunmore East and tuned in on our usual place to the left, near Peig’s rocks. A roman appeared in a small boat and pulled up onto the shore. He got out but didn’t leave the water. He handed me an ornate jug, quite large with a big lip. He recorded it on a writing slab of some sort. Then he handed me a large conch shell. He recorded that too. Next I was given a skull and long bones of a human. Bit weird!! (research: The skull and two bones meant resurrection to the Knights Templar. The skull and cross-bones, alluded to Golgotha – “the place of the skull” – and the cross – where Jesuswas supposed to have died.)
The roman recorded it all then waved goodbye, got back in his boat and sailed away!!
I waited for a few minutes and after a while I saw a huge scallop shell sitting on top of the water on the bay. It was open and in it sat a beautiful pearl. It felt very Venus-like! All around the shell were lit votive candles and we were given one each.
A few minutes later another boat appeared and an Elizabethan woman got out, pulling her white gloves on as she proceeded to walk up the beach toward the boat slip. “Come along ladies,” she said to the women behind her and together they all walked up and out of the strand. I had no idea who they were or why they were here but we did find out a little more on Sunday!

After having a cup of tea and chatting about the work we had just done in the ruined Templar church we decided to go down to the Hook. We couldn’t quite go down to where the priestess was by the shore because it was private so we will have to ask permission.
We drove to Hook head and the waves were terrific and huge. It was really windy and felt very enervating. After spending some time there we began to drive back but as drove away I suddenly had a panicky feeling of needing to stop. While we were in the templar church Eartha had picked up a small white cross and had kept it, as it seemed significant. Now as we were driving, and I was having the panicking feeling, I looked on the cove floor and there on the stones was a white cross!! We obviously needed to do something there. We got out but this time Hana stayed in the car. We three walked to the cross which had been washed up by the sea. We collected some fossils then tuned in! I called in the Lords of the sea asking them to work with us and to fill us with their energy so we could work in harmony with the earth. I really have no idea who these Lords are but I seem to call them a lot!! This took about ten minutes and I didn’t feel the need to do anything else. Afterwards we discussed what we had each done. Eartha had created a gold flame, which was connected to two other flames via gold lines. Another triangle!! We had seen these lines before but didn’t realise that they were a triangle of flames. But this is Eartha’s triangle to do! This was her first time working with triangulation so I found it very interesting. Chris had seen a shaman-like man standing on the water, his cloak blowing out behind him and his staff in his hand. He was calling in the energies of the sea!! Me, I guess. What was interesting was that I was a man!
Later on we looked for the most likely place the other two flames were. One site is the megalithic tomb near Dungarvan and the other we think is the dolmen near Dunmore east, the giants grave. The tomb in Dungarvan is associated with the Cailleach Beara: The Cailleach Beara is one of the oldest living mythological beings associated with Ireland. She has a conversation with
Fintan the Wise and the Hawk of Achill and both agree that she has outlived them, saying ‘Are you the one, the grandmother who ate the apples in the beginning?’ (*apples are associated with immortality and are considered the food of the gods)
The Cailleach Beara is usually associated with Munster in particular Kerry and Cork. She is considered a goddess of sovereignty giving the kings the right to rule their lands. She usually appears as an old woman who asks a hero to sleep with her, if the hero agrees to sleep with the old hag she then transforms into a beautiful woman. This is similar to the
Mórrigan who appeared to the hero Diarmiud O Duibne as a hag who asked him to carry her over the river, he complies and is rewarded by her.
On Monday we went to Wicklow to complete the meridian work across Ireland which we had started on Aran. However, during breakfast, we had a visit from one of the guardian kings from Ballyhack castle. He was the one from the sea-side! He had some work to do there so we decided to stop off on our way. We drove to Passage East and went to the castle. It was closed so we had to do our work from outside but that posed no problems. We tuned in as usual. The first thing I saw were the women from Lawlor’s strand! She walked in through the door bringing her ‘Ladies’ with her. They filed in and stood in a circle on the ground floor. A well appeared, which appeared to go down into the ground, where it opened onto an underground channel that allowed the sea in. My gold cord began to move out from my navel and move into the well where it continued down, and then flowed into the sea water. I was aware of the Magdalene flame which we had planted on the top level but I did no work with it.
I saw the king from the right (sea) side
[1] of the ‘gate’ and he was guiding a dolphin into the channel. When it knew where to go it swam up until it beneath the well opening. It took the gold cord in its beak and swam back down the channel and back into the sea. It continued swimming until reached the middle of the estuary then turned out to sea and swam into the Irish sea. Halfway across another dolphin appeared, chattering with its head out of the water. He too had a gold cord in his beak and he was excited to see our dolphin. Both dolphins then joined the two cords and the cords melded together until they were one gold cord. I looked to see where the other gold cord had originated from and I saw Tintagel. Interesting. This dolphin stuff is new for us. I wonder if this has something to do with the sea people? Mind you, when I was doing Magnified Healing, the dolphins would come and bring in the energies which I was channelling and ‘plant’ them in the sea bed! I didn’t realise then that this was something you could do this way!
When this process was finished the Elizabethan woman slapped her hands together, as you do when you are finished cleaning up, and walked out the door, all the ladies following her out. I have no idea who she is!
I was then given three old books with a small glass inkwell on top by some unseen man. It felt like the history of the Templars or something.
As it turned out Eartha had been working on the flame upstairs. A large white swan had flown up into the chapel where the Magdalene flame was burning. It changed the flame into a white flame and moulded it so it looked like an ice-cream cone! What is this all about? The coloured flames are being changed to white by the Goddess of Winter. Why?
Anyway, after doing this work we continued up to Wicklow. We stayed in a renovated cottage in the middle of nowhere. It was lovely but full of strange energies. I didn’t notice it much but Hana was not happy there and felt scared much of the time. She felt too isolated. We had a huge granite rock protruding through our wall which I imagine was partially to blame!!
On Tuesday we three, Chris, Eartha and Myself went for a drive to see what we needed to do as I had no idea where the meridian ran through. I thought we had to go to Poulaphuca reservoir but we began to get messages about feathers showing us the way. We followed the map to places associated with Brigit to see if we could get some clues. As I looked on the map I noticed that our route to Kilbride looked like a rune of protection.
N We reached Kilbride but felt nothing so just drove, trying to let the energy guide us. We followed the Braveheart route as we had been talking about him the day before. Finally, still looking for the feathers, we found them! They were a decoration on a church gate. Three feathers! The church was near a lovely waterfall so that is where we went. One point had an Arthur/Guinevere energy so we made our way there. However when I tuned in I didn’t get anything. But I did see an old wise man standing near the bridge and he beckoned to me to come to where he was so up I went. Right where he had stood was the rune symbol carved into the granite, a piece of wood marking the central line! So I tuned in there instead. I found myself entering the Cailleach’s home. I entered by pulling aside the curtains which separated the entrance from the main living area. It seemed that I was now her apprentice, whereas last year on Slieveban, in her cairn, I was only visiting! That time she had given me a drink of mugwort and vervain and given me fur boots and clothes for my journey. Outside her cairn, after a sleep, I had been given a cloak and golden shield by the White goddess. Now, however, I was living with her!! When I entered her room I sat in front of the fire with her. She was making a herb drink again! She told me I needed to sleep for a while so she put me in bed and covered me with a fur. Then she sat in front of her fire again and kept looking at the clock so that she would know when to wake me up. I had to awaken at the right time. When it was time she came and woke me and gave me a bottle of her herb mixture which I put into my fur satchel. I sat in front of the fire and someone else brushed and plaited my long black hair. I had on a green velvet dress. When I was ready I put my cloak on and said goodbye to her as I was going journeying. I also put other healing herbs in my bag. I waved goodbye as I walked out of the tunnel entrance and started to walk through the landscape. At one point I sat against a tree beside a river and ate a little something before continuing my journey.
What was interesting was the feeling of apprenticeship and the fact that I now lived with the Cailleach. Whatever does that mean? This is the second year in a row that I have visited her in her home, which could be anywhere! It seems to have the same theme too, having to sleep while she prepares a herbal mixture which I either drink or take with me to share. The last time I emerged from her cairn it was snowing but this time it was spring!
That was all that we needed there so we drove back to the cottage.

On Tuesday we went to Glendalough to show Eartha. It was pretty interesting, as she picked up the dysfunctional energy of the place as anchored by St. Kevin! It was a place of rejecting the feminine and we know that he had big problems with women. We couldn’t find a way in to St. Mary’s church beside the main complex either, yet again!! Both Chris and Eartha felt impulsed to walk around the tower, in opposite directions! Neither knew that the other was doing the same thing…..
It was good confirmation that what I had picked up last time about the separation between the sexes was true! So we decided that as we couldn’t activate the church and the Divine Feminine we needed to find another site for the flame. We decided that just beyond the bridge, next to the river, was the best place so we all tuned in and did our bit. I allowed solar light to flow through me and, again, called in the Lords of Light and asked them to fill the land with light and knowledge and then allow this energy out into the wider world. I guessed that Eartha was doing the flame, which she was. She had energised a white flame again but this time it grew and became made up of many different white strands until it formed a flame all around Glendalough which would form a protective layer. Chris planted a large seed which Osiris had given to him after he had planted his first one in Egypt.
When we had finished we went to the upper lake where my guides told me we had to plant the meridian flame. It was absolutely beautiful there. You could feel the energy of the place. Totally goddessy.
We stood on the edge of the lake and tuned in. I began to call awake the feminine energy which was asleep beneath the lake. I had to go deep beneath it and connect with the river of gold which flowed beneath. I pulled this up to the surface and a Greek temple appeared, sitting on the lake’s surface. A gold flame began to grow there and I saw the meridian flow between the mountain pass and through the lake and then through me. It felt totally physical. I called the goddess awake, the Lady of the Deep, Daughter of Light, and asked her to tend the flame. The flame was beautiful. When it felt complete we left and had a walk up to the waterfall. It was the first time I had been there since I had gone with Sandra, a close friend of old, when I was 20. It was different but gorgeous. I’d like to go back in the summer to do some work with the chapels there. On our walk back we saw a beautiful rainbow, right across Glendalough!

[1] There are two kings at the gate. One rules the river side of the gate and the other rules the sea side. They re-took this position when we ignited the Magdalene Flame and gave them back their energy.

N Algiz. The Elk. Protection and defence.

Inis Maein. Aran Islands. Part 1. Oct. 2007

I’ve just returned from a two week trip to the Aran Islands. I love being there. It still holds all the myths and ancient energies of the Ancient Ones. A brilliant place. We stayed in a cottage for the first week then travelled down the west coast to Dingle, staying in places along the way, doing energy work as guided. Here is some of the journal I wrote while we were there:

16 October 2007.
Yesterday we went to do some earthwork up in Dun Chonchuir. The evening before we had gone for a walk up to Synge’s chair. Not sure why he chose that particular place…..
We decided to turn back before it got too dark and while walking back we stopped at one point along the road. It felt particularly nice right there and I stood and took some photos. Then I was chatting to Chris about the nice energy and I ‘saw’ a white energy line running west to east, skimming the west side of Inismor and running beneath our feet and across the island. I followed the line to see where it went and it ran right beneath Dun Chonchuir. This dun was supposedly built by Aonghas’s brother. Dun Aonghas is the big stone-built ring fort on Inismor where we worked last time we were here. Although that fort is now on the edge of the cliff when it was first built it was probably further inland but the waves are so powerful on the Atlantic side of the island that it is not hard to see how it might have been eroded away. However, saying that, it definitely felt more like a sea temple than an earth one, so………..
So, yesterday we went up to the Dun to check it out. It lies on the highest point, and the centre, of the Island. The line itself runs across the island, intersecting it, then continues on across Ireland. My guides mentioned Lisdoonvarna which, when I looked on the map, could very well lie on the track if you take curves of the earth into account. The only way to see is to go!!
We initially walked around inside the fort and I tuned in and received my instructions. I walked around the inside of the fort, rededicating it to the Goddess. I prayed and invoked her presence and that of the Father so that they could work in union for the benefit of humanity and the earth. When I had completed the anti-clockwise circuit I then called in the ‘fairy people’ and asked them to return to the fort on behalf of the earth and humanity again! I then walked to the centre and tuned in again. I kept Egyptian info and told about the Children of wood. They explained that these were the wooden idols that were created by priests and kings to anchor the particular energy of that deity which it represented. When these wooden deities were kept in a home they were the anchor point for the spider energies, the red and black lines of the earth energies. This was interesting as many of the early Egyptians created wooden representations of themselves so what were they anchoring by doing that. Gold leaf was used for anchoring solar energy so painting a wooden idol with gold leaf would anchor the solar energies too. I’ll have to look further into that…..
Then my work with Chris began. I saw my sacral line connecting with his and a sword anchored the joined line into the earth where it went deep down. I saw someone draw a golden spiral out from where the sword was in the ground and draw a huge anti-clockwise spiral all the way out to the edge of the fort. Then the entire fort began to power up, like a battery, until it was fully powered up. Then I saw the sea creating an insulation for this battery but I didn’t really understand how it would do that. It was like the waves were gentle and caressing rather than pounding and destructive.
When this was finished I was handed a reel of wire, like I had on the motorway in England , but I wasn’t sure where I was supposed to bring it. I’m sure it will come up!
Then Reuben, my Arabic guide, appeared and placed his Arabic head-dress on my head which then became a gold band with a sea-green crystal on my brow. I was told to take it to Amarna but this could have referred to the line of wire as well?!
Later on, I was given info on the three goddesses I had invoked in Dunmore East, Isis, Astarte and Diana. I heard ‘the Three Great somethings….’ But missed the last word. I asked for clarification and was shown the Rosetta stone. Three languages were on that stone, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Aramaic and Greek. Isis, Astarte and Diana!! Then I was shown a triangle being drawn. The first point was in Egypt and it connected to another point to the right. Then both these points connected to a point in a country above Africa. I felt that the Egyptian point was obviously Isis. The second was in Israel, Astarte and the third was in Greece, Diana. I was recently given the info that I would have to travel to Israel to plant seeds there. I’m not sure how this is quite working. I know we still have to complete the triangulation point in Knockroe which is connected to Slieve ban and Brandon Hill. The two points of Norwich and Liverpool also have to be completed. But this Goddess stuff feels very different as the other points were focussed on individual points. The Goddess work feels like entire countries!

17 October 2007.
Today I wanted to go and visit the other Dun on the island; Dun Fearbhaigh. On the way down we stopped off at the clochan and the church of the seven sons of the king. It turned out to be the resting place of a female saint St Kenning, and a church. Apparently there was also a holy well there connected to her, and the islanders went there as pilgrimage. We couldn’t find the well! I tuned in a little at the clochan and all I felt was the energy of a monk and energy coming in from above, and feeding into the energy line there. It added to it somehow, perhaps as a result of his dedication and presence there but it also created a little oasis of golden energy.
At St Kenning’s grave I sat and tuned in and one of the three wise men appeared. I wondered if it was Melchior? He knelt down in front of me and dug a little hole. In the hole he placed a small gold casket. I couldn’t make out what he was doing or what he was taking out. I was trying too hard to see it! I looked away and when I looked back I saw him place a tiny gold flame in the casket. He then began to slowly turn it up, like a gas flame, until it became blue and large. He took the casket away like a magician would and then mounted his camel and travelled to Inis Oirr. There he went to St Gobnait’s chapel and placed another flame, connecting this site with hers. Then he pointed to Diarmiud and Grainne’s leaba, a megalithic tomb on this island. He showed me to connect the three flames in a triangle, as usual. Diarmuid’s bed was to be done on Friday and tomorrow we were to go to Inis Oirr. Although I didn’t feel I needed to go to the other fort, I wanted to, so we walked across the island, not very far, and made our way up the hill. It was a beautiful day and warm so it felt comfortable. The views were beautiful. The Dun is slightly different to the others in that it is nearly square and quite small inside. I had an impulse to walk around the inside ramparts and as I did I felt like a young teenage boy who was looking out over the stone walls and pointing excitedly to the sea where an approaching boat was making its way towards the island. There was no fear in him just excitement. It felt like he spent a lot of time there, tending his animals and day dreaming. I had no sense of people living there but it felt like a place of safety, of sanctuary. A place where the people could come to in times of need. It felt like the people lived outside in small farmsteads, much like they do today. It was a strange place but felt very safe and ‘goddessy’. As though here, in the arms of the goddess no harm could come to you. It also had a strange feeling of being an orchard and yet I couldn’t rationalise that. It was as though it was connected to a myth of the Great mother goddess and apple orchards. I’m sure I’ve seen a picture of her somewhere. On a goddess pack or something. I’ll have to check it out when I get back. Anyway I walked around the inside edge and laid the circle and then went to the centre to see what was needed. I saw things, like a spider web stretching out from the dun and I knew that it lay on the same line as the other dun but nothing seemed to be happening. So I stopped. All I could feel was the protective arms of the mother goddess and how beautiful it felt there. How calm and restful. Then the goddess energy came in and said there was nothing to do there rather there were things to receive there instead. Oh, I’d forgotten about that! I always assume that things ‘need to done’ and ‘fixed’ but sometimes they don’t. Perhaps others had done that work or it had just never changed, who knows?
So I tuned in and asked for what I wanted. I asked that I be a living flame in action, whatever that was!!??
I also asked that I fulfil my mission well and that I would constantly be channel for the divine feminine. I asked that my books be successful and get to the people who needed them. When I was finished Chris needed to redo his so I just waited until he was finished. At that point the goddess energy came in again and this time she had an armful of apples. She told me that they were for and would give me the necessary info and knowledge that I would need to fulfil my tasks. Excellent. I’d never been given so many at once. Usually when you get an apple you get one!!
‘Poet’s corner’ came in and I saw the orchard again in the dun. Ah, it was that kind of orchard, the inspirational kind, a place you can receive inspiration in.
When we were finished we climbed out over the wall and explored a couple of small thatched houses, mainly animal houses but they looked nice and old. It was interesting to see and feel how different it was inside the fort to how it was outside. Outside it just felt like landscape, nothing different, yet inside the dun the goddess was contained and lived in her mythical orchard. It was like a fairy story. Amazing. I’ll have to check out some old stories and see if there is any correlation between them.